Far from an “opportunity”, the Premiership of Liz Truss spells jeopardy for Ireland

By Jack Nolan. On Sunday, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Defence, Fine Gael’s Simon Coveney, remarked on the recent election of Liz Truss as Leader of the Conservative Party and British Prime Minister as “an opportunity to try and reset relationships” between Britain, Ireland and the European Union in the wake of the fallout from the posturing over the Northern Protocol.

Student Unions Must Become Radical or They’ll Become Redundant

The TCDSU is demanding rather than asking; 6 student unions have co-signed an open letter denouncing the government; the USI is calling for a walkout. As this year’s elected student representatives take power, it seems that we are entering a phase of renewed student radicalism. However, it is important to remember what led us trapped in the clutches of moderate, apolitical and weak leadership. Reflecting on his experiences in the student movement in the TCDSU, László Molnárfi wrote this piece a couple of months ago, on the structural factors that lead to the co-optation of student unions.

Addressing the Cost of Living Crisis, and Inequalities in Third-Level Education are a Joint Struggle Facing Young Activists Today

By Jack Nolan. In the midst of the pandemic, and the ensuing global economic crisis in its aftermath, the
latent social and economic inequalities that have plagued Ireland, and indeed the wider
world, have been heavily accentuated by the onset of a grave cost of living crisis.

Our Colleges and the Exploitation of Nursing Students

Many people are well and truly aware of our Colleges’ treatment of nursing students, mostly through the placement hours that student nurses around the country are forced to suffer through without pay. This is a significant issue. However, the issues of exploitation within the nursing discipline go far deeper and betray a a deeper insight into what our institutions truly think of their students.

TCDSU Attempted to Suppress the Halls Scandal, Documents Show

Documents from last year obtained by Irish Student Left Online show that Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) President Eoin Hand, alongside the Education Officer Megan O’Connor and the Communications Officer Philly Holmes attempted to suppress an agenda item brought to 4th Council which was due to take place the 9th of February 2021.