Obligatory first blog post. Those of us at ISLO are very happy to welcome you all to the site. We hope it will be the start of some very stimulating discussion and debate. The following is just a little bit about Irish Student Left Online and its plans for the future.
Founded in January 2013, and relaunched in June 2022, Irish Student Left Online is a blog set up to give space for the radical student voice studying in Ireland. Alongside discussing the ever present issues of student fees, grant cuts and the continuous neo-liberalisation of third level education, both in the Republic and in Northern Ireland, it will discuss wider topics such as abortion legislation, LGBTQ rights, anti-racist/anti-fascist movements, feminism, anti-war and of course the wider anti-austerity campaign.
The second function will be to start a discussion and debate on exploring the possibilities of what the student movement can be beyond the usual lobbyist tactics of recent years and how a broad left student group could develop to cater for a united and truely progressive student movement.
If you would like to get involved in Irish Student Left Online, feel free to drop us an email at [email protected] and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Look forward to reading, writing and debating with you all,
-Comrades of Irish Student Left Online
Content retrieved from: https://irishstudentleftonline.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/welcome-to-irish-student-left-online/.